This series is an attempt to restore and recover a small part of my photographic archive.
In 2017 after a mechanical issue with my computer hard drive, all the data containing: personal photos, commissioned and photographic projects stored, got lost.
In my endeavour to restore my 7-year-old archive, the data recovery centre gave me an
iProblem folder with just 30% images from the original folders.
This new series shifted the autorship of my archive from one to three: me (human), the data center emplyee (human) and the computer/software (non-human) he used to recover the files.
Digital ruins, created by a human and non-human alliance.
The project questions the subject matters of photographic accidents,
archiving and memory in the realm of indexicality. How do these digital ruins investigate
the omnipresence of visual data?
©Vlad Brăteanu